Christmas Eve is such an exciting day, it seems to last a whole lot longer than any other day of the year but it's an excuse to be super christmassy and start eating too much food, which incidentally I haven't actually been doing. My sister really enjoys nail art and me being most probably dyspraxic and having tendonitis in my hand being home is when I can have super pretty nails which I definitely could not do myself! These were inspired by Zooey Deschanel's Christmas nails that which she posted on instagram a few days ago (Photo + link below) which I just thought were sooo pretty, admittedly hers were probably far more time consuming though mine did take around 2 hours!

This isn't the most exciting post but I just wanted to show off my nails whilst they're still good and it's still Christmas! I hope Everyone's having and has a lovely December regardless of whether you celebrate Christmas or not and those who do I hope you have a lovely day tomorrow!