Debbie Harry Forever

Blondie Top - Pull&Bear, Skirt and Belt - asos, Shoes - Dr Martens

If I had to be anyone else on the planet it would be Debbie Harry. I'm not really sure why I'd like to be her but I do completely adore her and if you know anything about me it's that blondie are my fave band ever ever ever and I think this might be my favourite Blondie top to date... 

I've had a fair few, the first being from a Blondie gig when I was 11, if I remember correctly it cost my Dad far too much, probably at least as much as the tickets but that was a great day and a damn great tshirt until I grew out of it, I've then had numerous Blondie tops from H&M since that I've either grown bored of or grown out of. The only thing I do still have and wear is a cropped grey sweatshirt that says 'Call Me' on it which I sort of love hate and is mostly worn as pyjamas SO as you can imagine I was pretty excited when I found this. I think my exact words were -younger readers cover your ears- "OH MY F*CKING GOD" and then I stared at it for a long long time, snapchat friends saying how excited I was, tried it on and danced around in the changing rooms and bought it. There was never any pondering about whether I was going to get it or not but it wasn't rushed because I just wanted to look at it for a while. I understand this sounds completely crazy and obsessive but that's because it is. 

I'm not even sure I can really put into words the emotions I feel for this tshirt and that is definitely strange. I can however, yet again, say how bloody warm it was this day, which combined with being too ill to be outside was just the greatest of times. Once I had some iced coffee it was actually a lot more bearable but I do need to learn that when I am ill I should let myself be ill and maybe not go out for coffee in an autumn heatwave...

Hope you're enjoying the weather more than me!

