December 4th

Whilst doing my Christmas shopping I may have accidentally bought myself a new top. It is justified though because I do seem to always need new t-shirts and this one is pretty darn cool. I don't own anything remotely sporty and I really like the contrast of it being an adidas t-shirt with such a feminine floaty dress. What I would like to point out though is that I was freeeeeezing when we took these photos and that I did in fact wear a Jacket when I actually properly left the house that day... just in case you were worried about my sanity.

I am getting increasingly more and more excited for Christmas. We are having house christmas day on Tuesday and we are exchanging presents and eating and drinking together before we all go back home for a month which will be really lovely. It is difficult to be as excited as I'd like though with so much uni work looming over me. I will get it it done and I will be a successful human. I hope.

I am definitely going to be making gingerbread today though and then maybe after that I'll put work before Christmas things...
