
Suede Jacket. Skirt, Top - H&M
Coat - Primark
Shoes - Topshop

So this week, being my first week back at uni, has been rather stressful. I've eaten 5 donuts. yes 5... had 2 takeaways and eaten out one too many times. I attended most of my lectures and seminars despite headaches and lack of sleep which is always something to be proud of, I've done work and reading and revision though not as much as I'd like. If I could I would revise rather than sleep but I think I'd go crazy.

This outfit is nothing new other than the bargain that was these shoes from Topshop which I got for £6.30 with student discount and am completely in love with, they have such a big platform which I love because being taller is always a good thing. They also sort of look like school shoes and make me feel like I'm a student at St Trinians which definitely is not a bad thing.

I think I'm feeling a lot happier post christmas than I assumed I would be. Its always sort of depressing after christmas when all the twinkly lights are taken down but it's still grey and sad outside but I'm actually doing okay. I think I might do a post next week about my mental health because it's something I don't mind sharing and something that I think we should be able to talk about openly and without judgement. 
