Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to meeeee, I am now 23. Yay to ageing...

So today I turned 23 and I think I'm happy about it. I'd been sort of practising being 23, in the hope that now that I am I'll remember to tell people that instead of still saying 22, something I think we all do when we get a year older. lol. Last week I had an early birthday day out bowling and drinking and eating with some of my best friends which was beyond lovely. Both last week and today I have been spoilt with love from my friends and family which is always rather nice and I'm very grateful to have such amazing people in my life.

It's not news that I'm not a fan of birthdays, because I'm really not. It's too much pressure to be happy and have fun and then if I don't get to spend my day how I had planned I just end up disappointed and sad. Today I'm seeing a couple of my best pals and then just having dinner with Finn and my family so it'll be quite difficult to be massively disappointed. I did want a trifle though and that won't be happening... I'm going to improvise some sort of cake which should be almost as nice as a trifle.

I probably have more to say but I'm actually now going to continue listening to Taylor Swift and have a dance party while I get ready for today.

