If you have a library card, likelihood is you will have access to your libraries catalogue via the app BorrowBox (or some sort of similar app). I am one of those people who absolutely loves going in a book shop, buying a book and adding it to my to be read shelf and sometimes never reading it... It could be the probable ADHD or lack of time for pleasure but I truly do not know. And yet, when the book is on loan from the Library there is more pressure to actually get the reading done.
I very much make the most of renewing borrowed books as much as possible but the element of knowing it has to go back really does encourage me to read. Because of this, and the fact that BorrowBox functions in the same way as the library you are signed into it with, having the app on my phone really encourages me to read more. I browse the catalogue and borrow or reserve books and then I have the time limit of having to have read it by a certain date.
Maybe this would be a more stressful way to experience reading for some people but I kind of love a deadline and it really helps me, PLUS it is free, and it is the library, it is just truly fantastic.
I also am only signed into BorrowBox through my Stockport Libraries card (I used to work for Stockport Libraries, and I'm from there and have been a member and frequent visitor my entire life) despite the fact I now live in an entirely different country, so I still get to show my libraries some love even from far away.
If you take anything from this please let it be that you should have and use your library card, it is magic.
India x